Dr. Tarsem Singh

Assistant Professor

23 Years in Teaching

B.A , D.P.Ed , M.P.Ed , M.Phil , Ph.D.


Publication Details

  1. A comparative study of job satisfaction of professional and academic College teachers in International Journal of Advanced Educational Research, 2 (6), 340-341, 2017: ISSN: 2455-6157, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12.

  2. Effects of 8-week of Yoga Training on Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility and Agility of Female Hockey Players in Research Journal of Social Science & Management.

  3. Comparative Study of Selected Haematological Variables Between Short And Middle Distance Runners in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 1 (4), ISSN: 2348-8921.