Dr. Patwant Kaur Atwal
Assistant Professor
Dr. Patwant Kaur Atwal did her M.Com. from Punjabi University, Patiala. She has done Ph.D from Punjabi University, Patiala on the topic Growth and performance of Rural banking in Punjab- A Comparative study of Commercial Co-Operative and Regional Rural Banks . She has 17 years of teaching experience. She is Nominated Member for Board of Study of Khalsa College, Patiala (An Autonomas College) for Under Graduate Courses. She has worked as Officiate Director of KCL – IMT Jalandhar for six months in 2011.
17 years in Teaching
Banking & Finance
M.Com, Ph.D.
Publication Details
Book Published:
1. Banking And Insurance (Text Book for M.Com-II), Co Author, Sharma Publications, 2015.
2. Management Techniques and Services, Co author, Sharma Publisher, 2007.
Student Guided:
1. More than 25 research students for the completion of their M. Phil Degrees for various universities of India.
Session co-chaired:
1. Co-chaired National Conference on rethink, redefine, redesign and futuristic approach on business held on April 19, 2014 at Apeejay Institute of Management Technology Jalandhar.
Research Papers:
Various Government Schemes for Women Entrepreneur : An Overview in Indian Journal of Empirical research in Commerce ISSN-2454-2903 Vol 2 Issue 1 2017.
Occupational Burnout: A study of higher education teachers in University Journal of Management & commerce (An international peer reviewed journal)Vol-01 Issue 01 Page 41-54: (ISSN 2455-96 IX ) JAN – JUNE 2016.
Changing Perceptions Towards Risk and Return in Global Journal of Accounting and Management Vol. ||| No. 2 (ISSN No . 0976-9366) Page 78-84 July-December
Retail Marketing: A Modern Approach to Retailing in International Journal of Business Management and Scientific Research Vol. ||| (ISSN No. 2394-6636 ) Page 92
Comparative study of e banking services in public and private sector banks in Global journal of accounting and management Vol 2, No 2,July- Dec 2011 ISSN 0976-9366.
Empowerment of Women through cooperative with special reference to My Bhago Scheme in women empowerment and higher education edited book ISBN-978-93-83083-14-5.
Rural Marketing Strategies to fight in global recession – A study of selected companies in India in Economic Surge Revitalization of Industrial Development in Punjab – An Aspiration ISBN 978-93-830480-6-7.
Papers Presented:
Presented Paper in National Conference Titled “E-banking in India – A New Paradigm” on 23rd February, 2015 in KMV, Jalandhar.
Attended one day International Workshop on Environment at Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar on Feb,25 2016.
Act as Resource Person in ICSSR sponsored ten days workshop on ‘Research Methodology Programme in Social Sciences’ from March 16 to 25, 2015 in Post Graduate Department of Commerce and Business Administration, Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar.
Presented paper in Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Jalandhar under a title ‘Employment of Women Through Co-operative- With Special Reference to “Mail Bhago Istri Shakti Scheme’ in International Conference on “Empowering Women Through Higher Education” on 20 & 21 Oct,2011.
Attended National Seminar on “Solid Waste Management at Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar on Mar 12,2011.
Presented paper in S.D. College for Women Jalandhar under a title ‘Rural Marketing Strategies To Fight in Global Recession- A study of Selected Companies in India’ in Ugc Sponsored National Seminar on “Second Generation Reforms in India- Implementation, Challenges for the Thrid” on 12 Nov,2011.
Attended a International Business Conference (PCMA-IBC-2011) in GSSDGS Khalsa College, Patiala on 16 & 17 Dec 2011.
Attended 7 day workshop on ‘Basic Training’ Workshop on Communication skills for social science teachers spomsored by ICSSR in Layllapur Khalsa College Jalandhar on 6 to 11 Marc,2010.
Presented a Paper in PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh under a title ‘ Women entrepreneurs: Issues & Policy Intiatives in National Seminar on “ Entrepreneurship Opportunities & Challenges” on 26 Nov,2010.
Presented a paper in Punjabi University Patiala under a title ‘TQM in Management Education- A strategic Approach to face Global Challenge’ in International Conference on “New Paradigms in management Theory and Practice” on 4 & 5 Sep,2010.
Presented a Paper in Arya College, Ludhiana under a title ‘Corporate Governance- A Comparative study of selected companies in India’ in UGC-National Seminae “Changing Scenario of Corporate Governance on 27 Aug, 2010.
Attended a National Seminar on “Emerging Challenges in Service sector in India” in Punjabi University Patiala on 20 Oct,2010.
Attended a National Conference on “ Emerging Paradigms in Commerce and Management Educations at GSSDGS Khalsa College Patiala on 5 Sep, 2009.
Presented a paper in K.M.V. College Jalandhar under a title ‘Comparative Study of Mutual Fund in India’ in UGC Sponsored National Seminar “ Emerging Scenario of capital market in India” on 25 & 26 Sep,2010.
Presented paper in Doaba College Jalandhar under a title ‘Cyber Security Law in India A critical study’ in National Seminar on E- Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities on 30 & 31 Aug,2010.
Attended a 2 days Workshop on Research Methodology at Lyallpur khalsa College Jalandhar on 10 & 11 April 2009.
Attended a 2 days workshop on Research Methodology at Apeejay College of Fine Arts, Jalandhar on May 1&2 ,2009.
Attended National Seminar on “challenges before Commerce & Management Education in India” at Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar ON Sep 04,2010.
Presented a Paper titled “knowledge Management- A Solution to better Customer Relations in UGC sponsored national conference at Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar ON Dec 4 & 5,2004.