Environmental Studies

The Department of Environmental Studies was established in 2008 with an objective to develop concern in every individual for environment protection. The Department offers a compulsory paper of Environment Studies to UG students of various disciplines like Commerce, Sciences, Arts, Computer Science, Physiotherapy & Biotechnology.
To develop concern in every individual related to the environment to save Environment.
To create awareness about “Sustainable Development.
To spread environmental awareness among the students about the burning issues of environment like Global Warming, Climate Change, Depletion of natural resources, Declining water level, and Pollution.
Awarded National Seminar by UGC on “Solid Waste Management”2010- 2011
Awarded Minor project by Ministry of Environment and Forest on “Climate Change” to participate in NEAC 2009-10.
Awarded Minor project by Ministry of Environment and Forests on “Potential Impact on Climate Change and possible solutions” to participate in NEAC 2008-09
Submitted proposal to UGC for Masters in Environment Management Programme under innovative programmes.
To initiate a programme on Education for sustainable development by establishing a network of Regional Centres of Expertise on ESD.
Organizing seminars/ plantation drives to save the environment will be a routine feature.