Grievances Redressal System
The institution has a Grievance Redressal Mechanism to attend to the complaints and grievances of its students and staff. To address to the grievances of girl students and women employees, Grievance Redressal Cell has been formed. The Cell has three wings: Girls Students Wing, Boys Students Wing and Women Employees Wing. These consist of a coordinator and some members (from staff). These wings attend to the complaints of boys and girl students and women employees respectively, protecting them against any kind of harassment. They ensure them their rights and redress their grievances. Students both men and women, can meet the Principal through the head of the department or even directly in regard of their complaints or grievances and the principal takes immediate steps to solve the problem. There is one suggestion-cum-complaint box outside the Suggestion box Principal’s office where students can drop their complaints. There is an Anti Ragging Committee for boys and girls can approach Grievance Cell for any ragging complaint. Grievance Cell organizes seminars on sexual harassment of women at workplace, spreads awareness about women empowerment child care and women health and girl child protection.
Grievance Redressal Cell:
Gagandeep Kaur (Convenor)
(i) Women Employees
Sandeep Bassi (Coordinator)
Jaswant Kaur
Ravneet Bains
Amandeep Kaur
(ii) Girls Student
Jaswinder Kaur (Coordinator)
Amita Shahid
Manmeet Sodhi
Navjot Kaur
(iii) Boys Students
Dr. Tarsem Singh (Convener)