Zoology & Botany

The Department of Botany is one of the oldest departments of the college. Apart from providing quality teaching, the department has taken initiative in the field of research. The department is funded by DBT under Star College Scheme. It has been awarded a minor research project on ‘In VIVO management of Indian citrus ring-spot virus employing phototherapy’. Special features of the department include:
Five spacious labs equipped with instruments like Oven, Hot Plates, Centrifuge, Microtone etc.
Botanical Garden with Green House for research regarding conservation and management of medicinal plants under adverse conditions.
A Bio-Museum with specimens and models.
Special modern facilities provided by U.G.C. to facilitate research.
Distillation unit.
Soxhlet Apparatus.
For more information visit: https://www.facebook.com/Department-Of-Zoology-and-Botany-LKC-Jal-2171642842862392/