The IQAC of Lyallpur Khalsa College was established in 2004 after the first cycle accreditation of the Institution by the NAAC It was formed in accordance with the NAAC guidelines This was done with an aim to ensure systematized institutional planning , implementation of the latter’s yearly action plan its performance evaluation and quality up-gradation of the HEI. The IQAC ensures that quality enhancement becomes a habit with the institution, remains a continuous process, and results in quality sustenance.
The IQAC of the institution is formed in accordance with the NAAC guidelines and it has representation from various stakeholders of the education process. Generally it holds three executive meetings in any academic session. The first meeting is in the beginning of the academic session and aims at finalizing the institutional action plan for the session. This action plan is chalked out in the last meeting of the previous session. The second meeting of the IQAC is in the middle of the session and is conducted to review the progress of the implementation of the action plan. The third meeting is conducted in the End of the session to discuss the successful implementation of the action plan and to chalk out the tentative action plan for the coming session.
The IQAC has on it the responsibility of ensuring total quality management by introducing innovations and needed changes in order to achieve excellence, to devise and adopt effective strategies for their implementation and to monitor institutional working regarding quality aspects.
IQAC Composition
- Dr. Jaspal Singh (Chairperson and Principal)
- Ms. Hariom Verma (Coordinator)
- Ms. Jasreen Kaur (Teacher)
- Prof. Navdeep Kaur (Teacher)
- Dr. Raju Sharma (Teacher)
- Prof. Amita Shahid (Teacher)
- Prof. Ahuja Sandeep (Teacher)
- Dr. Vikas kumar (Teacher)
- Mr. Rana Ralhan (Administration)
- S. Deepinder Singh Purewal (Managing Committee)
- S. Jaspal Singh Wariach (Managing Committee)
- Ms. Parminder Beri ( Member Industry)
- S. Mandeep Singh Sachdeva ( Community)
- S. Harpreet Singh (Alumni)
- Ms. Shayna, BPT (Student)
- Ms. Sakshi Sharma, M.A. English (Student)
a ) Development and application of quality benchmarks/ Parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
b ) Ensuring learner-centric environment conducive to quality education, and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
c ) Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders and collection of feedback from the same on quality-related institutional processes.
d ) Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
e ) Maintenance of institutional database through Management Information System and documentation of the various programmes /activities leading to quality improvement.
f ) Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow-up.
g ) Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC.
Quality Initiatives
- Documentation of Institutional working
- Adoption of electronic communication
- Adoption of e governance in different aspects of institutional working
- Internal and External Academic Auditing
- Documentation of IQAC Working
- Strategic Planning for the Institution
NAAC Certificates